Construction equipment rental industry welcomes EU climate law

4 March (Brussels, Belgium) – The European Rental Association (ERA), the voice of the equipment rental industry, today welcomes the publication of the European Commission’s proposal enshrining the principle of climate neutrality into EU law.
“Climate neutrality by 2050 is the right objective at the right time,” said ERA Secretary General Michel Petitjean. “What’s more, the construction equipment rental industry is ideally placed to help Europe achieve its ambition, since as an inherently circular model, it can help minimise the carbon footprint of construction equipment and bring us closer to meeting the Paris climate goals.”
A new independent study shows that renting construction equipment helps reduce carbon emissions and that by sharing equipment and optimising its use, the rental industry lowers the construction sector’s overall climate impact. These emissions reductions can be significant, ranging from 30% up to 50% over its full life cycle for rented versus fully owned equipment, depending on how it is used.
“Renting helps avoid emissions by optimising equipment adequacy, transportation, utilisation rates, and maintenance,” continues Michel Petitjean. “This leads to greater efficiency, fewer emissions, and increased longevity for the equipment in question. Thus, in many ways, our business model goes hand in hand with the need to reduce emissions and achieve climate neutrality.”
But our industry should not be doing this alone. EU policymakers can help by driving awareness of renting to curb CO2 emissions during the full lifecycle of construction equipment. The upcoming EU decarbonisation package constitutes a further opportunity to identify best practices for lowering the carbon footprint of the construction sector. One of these practices is encouraging construction equipment rental as an environmentally sound option compared to buying and owning equipment.
Michel Petitjean concluded: “As an industry we are ready to drive future discussions on how to further improve the sustainability of construction equipment, and we have already identified three areas for further efficiency gains, namely making responsible fuel and alternative energy choices, optimising logistics and transport, and ensuring proper recycling.”
“In conclusion, we are ready to work with policymakers to make the climate neutrality objective a reality for Europe.”
About ERA
The European Rental Association was created in 2006 to represent national rental associations and equipment rental companies in Europe. Today, the membership includes over 5,000 rental companies, either directly or through 15 rental associations. ERA is active through its committees in the fields of Promotion, Sustainability, Statistics, Technical and through its Future Group. Extensive information on ERA’s activities, reports, and publications is available on the ERA website at
Media Contact
Huw Longton: [email protected], +32 (0)471 58 13 14