ERA announces creation of European Rental Week

The European Rental Association (ERA) has announced the creation of European Rental Week, an annual event dedicated to the promotion of rental across Europe. The first European Rental Week will take place from 9 to 15 October with the theme ‘Investing in People’.
The event aims to coordinate promotional activities from rental companies to improve the attractiveness of the industry, raise awareness of the rental concept and promote rental as a sustainable, cost-effective and resource-efficient solution. This year’s event will aim to focus activities on the promotion of the industry as an employer, as well as providing an opportunity to promote rental in general.
Michel Petitjean, Secretary General of ERA, said:
“We are very excited to announce European Rental Week as it is the perfect opportunity to coordinate the promotion of our industry not just within countries, but across the European continent. We can have a bigger voice and a bigger impact by acting together. We are optimistic that European Rental Week will be an annual fixture in the calendars of rental companies and associations, helping us to learn from each other and strengthening our industry to the benefit of all.”
ERA is now developing a European Rental Week website before formally launching the event at the ERA Convention on 7 and 8 June in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
European Rental Week was developed in collaboration with the National Association and Promotion Committees of ERA. Activities within different countries will be coordinated and promoted by the national associations within the European Rental Week framework.
If you would like to know more about European Rental Week, please contact the ERA team at [email protected].
About ERA
The European Rental Association was created in 2006 to represent national rental associations and equipment rental companies in Europe. Today, the membership includes over 5,000 rental companies, either directly or through 17 rental associations. ERA is active through its committees in the fields of Promotion, Sustainability, Statistics and Technical, and through its working groups, including the Future Group and the Cybersecurity Working Group.
Extensive information on ERA’s activities, reports, and publications is available on the ERA website at
Media Contact
Huw Longton: [email protected], +32 (0)471 58 13 14