Press Releases
ERA: “Rental is the perfect circular model”
ERA welcomes the publication of the European Commission’s new Circular Economy Action Plan and has high hopes for the EU to recognise the full potential of the sharing and rental business models to deliver for the transition to a circular economy.
Construction equipment rental industry welcomes EU climate law
The European Rental Association (ERA), the voice of the equipment rental industry, today welcomes the publication of the European Commission’s proposal enshrining the principle of climate neutrality into EU law.
Study shows construction equipment rental helps Europe achieve its climate ambition
The outcome of a study commissioned by the European Rental Association (ERA) has found that rental of construction equipment, as a circular economy model, can significantly help reduce emissions and achieve the Paris climate goals.
Positive signs across Europe’s equipment rental market as growth continues
ERA today launches the ERA Market Report 2019 and reveals for the year 2018, in the EU-28 and EFTA countries, equipment rental companies and other companies providing rental services generated a total rental turnover of more than EUR 26 billion.
Renting equipment reduces carbon emissions
Three specialised, independent research companies have researched and calculated the CO2 emissions during the full life-cycle of ten pieces of equipment representative of the portfolio of European Rental Association (ERA) members.
Europe-wide study finds equipment rental organisations must prioritise collaboration to redress fundamental ‘millennial mismatch’ and workforce imbalances
An ERA report has unearthed a number of concerning trends critical for the rental equipment industry to overcome in attracting and retaining its future workforce.