ERA News
Happy New Year from the ERA team!
The ERA team wishes you and your families a happy new year. Read about ERA’s 2022 activities, including the ERA Convention, an updated Equipment CO2 Calculator and Impact of Digitalisation report.
Companies are invited to complete the Q4 2021 ERA/IRN RentalTracker survey
Companies operating in Europe’s equipment rental industry are invited to complete the ERA/IRN RentalTracker survey for Q4 2021.
ERA Technical Committee met on 25 November in Crailsheim, Germany
The ERA Technical Committee was hosted by Yanmar in Crailsheim, Germany, on 25 November.
The future for rental is bright…and digital
ERA looks at the impact of digitalisation and the virtual delivery of products and services.
Welcome to the new ERA members – LECTURA, MachineMax and MHM Group
ERA is pleased to welcome LECTURA, Machine Max and MHM Group, who have joined ERA as associate members.
Welcome to the new ERA members, HSO Innovation and GemOne
ERA is very pleased to announce that HSO Innovation, an IT service provider based in the Netherlands, and GemOne, a telematics solution provider based in Belgium, have joined ERA as associate members.
Opening up – Pierre Boels’ speech at the ERA Convention
Around 300 people from 23 countries attended the ERA Convention from 29 to 30 September, at the Postillion Hotel in Amsterdam. Opening the Convention was ERA President Pierre Boels, who addressed attendees with this speech.
ERA releases ‘Rental Associations in Europe’ brochure
ERA is publishing the ‘Rental Associations in Europe brochure, a guide mostly dedicated to the rental association members of ERA. This publication profiles the 15 European rental associations that are ERA members.
ERA launches new project on the impact of digitalisation on rental
ERA is launching a project on the impact of digital transformation on the rental business to promote awareness, engagement and action within the rental industry.
15th ERA Convention brings European rental industry together for first time in 2 years
The European equipment rental industry came together for the first time in more than 2 years at the 15th annual ERA Convention in Amsterdam on 29 and 30 September, with over 300 people from 23 countries.
ERA Cybersecurity Guide and CSR KPI Guidance Framework now available in 6 languages
ERA is announcing the translations of the executive summaries of the ERA Cybersecurity Guide and the ERA CSR KPI Guidance Framework.
ERA Convention can take place at full capacity and without social distancing, UK and US visitors no longer need to quarantine
New COVID rules in the Netherlands mean that the ERA Convention and European Rental Awards can take place at full capacity and without social distancing.